Welcome to Hartland Home Medical Supply
Hartland Home Medical Supply is Open to the Public and has been operating in Crystal Lake for the past 30 years. Feel free to browse around our website to see if we have what you're looking for. If you don't see what you need, give us a call at 1(815) 444-8870 to ask us about it. We are 2 physical stores that are located at 321 W. Virginia St Crystal Lake, IL 60014 and 790 Royal St George Dr Naperville, IL 60563. 2 large location showrooms.
In Crystal Lake, West Virginia Street is Rt 14 Northwest Highway and we are located next door to the Amish Furniture Store. We are Across the Street from Garfield's Liquors and Popeye's.
Hartland Home Medical Supply carries a wide variety of medical equipment Including the Following:
Hospital Beds
Lift Recliners
Canes & Crutches
Mobility Carts
Power Chairs
Toileting Aids
Shower Chairs
Lift Chairs
Shower Chairs
and many more...
Hospital Beds
Lift Recliners
Canes & Crutches
Mobility Carts
Power Chairs
Toileting Aids
Shower Chairs
Lift Chairs
Shower Chairs
and many more...
In addition to the 10,000 sq. ft show room, we have over 40 lift chairs & 30 scooters for you try out in person. We also bring two lift chairs or two scooters for you to try out during any home delivery.
Thank You for Visiting Us!
If you have any questions feel free to give us a ring at 815-444-8870.
For a list of all categories,
click on the *Click here for all 40 Product Categories* link.
Thanks for shopping with us!